Called worker and student resources
Really, all the Conquerors through Christ CtC resources are intended to be tools for ministry. They are presented here in a comprehensive list organized according to our Resist, Reject, and Recover categories.
Resources to help you assist your members or students
Resist the temptation to use pornography
Our Parent Support System equips you, not for “the talk”, but for an ongoing conversation from age 2 to 12 about God’s design for our bodies and, at the appropriate age, sex.
Our Middle School Lessons help you, or your child’s instructor, to go beyond “don’t lust” to learning to enjoy the blessings of gospel-driven self-control.
Our High School Curriculum can be used by your teen’s teacher or youth group leader to have positive discussions during this critical tine in their lives,
Resources to help you assist your members or students
Reject Satan’s lies and escape from the addictive sin of pornography use
(For pastors)
(Create Priceless Conversations about Sex & Sin: Bought at a Price Bible Study)
(In Christian Community)
(How we get in and out)
(Ratings and reviews)
Resources to help you assist your members or students
Recover from the wreckage caused by someone else’s porn use
Where no counsel is, the people fall: but in the multitude of counselors there is safety.
Proverbs 11:14
“Porn is our struggle, our fight, our concern—because porn is affecting us”.
— Mike Novotny
Other Resources
On a very basic level, forgiveness is the answer. Keeping a record of wrongs, throwing his sin in his face, punishing him with a lack of love/respect because of his sin will quickly detonate any hope you have a beautiful, God-exalting relationship. “Forgive one another just as in Christ God forgave you.” (Eph. 4:32) On a deeper level, you probably need the help of a mature Christian friend, a qualified counselor, and/or a pastor who loves you both and can guide you with God’s Word.
“Feelings” are fickle because they come and go. We must ALWAYS go back to the cross, day in and day out, and there confess our sins and believe they are forgiven because God has said they are. There we can be confident in being pure again because God promises it is so. He assures us that we are washed “clean” in the blood of his Son shed on the cross for us. Remember God’s promise to you through Jeremiah in 31:34: “I will forgive their wickedness and remember their sins no more.” Remember what God promises in Romans 8:1: “Therefore there is now NO CONDEMNATION for those who are in Christ Jesus.” Other promises of God for us to remember are found in Isaiah 65:3, John 15:3, 1 Corinthians 6:11, Ephesians 5:26, Hebrews 9:14 and 1 John 1:7.
You did nothing wrong. You probably were a good wife. It is an addiction, not a response. He was looking for the feeling he gets from the pursuit and the guilty pleasure. He is always looking for another fix, another high, just like a drug addict. As long as he is in the addiction, no one will be “good enough”.