The First 40 Days

Collection of Devotions

Porn use and addiction is difficult to escape. You need to Reject Satan’s lies, Resist future temptations, and Recover from the wreckage porn causes. Then, at some point, you can rejoice in God’s design for sex. The First 40 Days is a collection of devotions designed to help you or someone you care for do just that.

We begin at the beginning, the first (or close to the first) day of porn sobriety and share the wisdom of God’s Word that both empowers and guides you through the various stages of getting free from Satan’s trap.

Are these 40 devotions the “silver bullet” that will “cure” the addiction? No. Like other addictions, relapse is real. But the message of Jesus’ forgiveness and the practical ideas for forming a new appreciation of God’s design drawn from his Word are powerful. That’s because God’s Spirit gives them power.


If CtC Resources assist you in your efforts to Resist, Reject, or Recover from porn use, please help us continue to create them. Your gift would be a tremendous blessing to our ministry.