Helping someone to stop using porn
Helping someone to stop using porn
This resource helps to identify how to Reject, Resist and Recover from porn.
Reviews and Ratings
Recently the CtC team became aware of two sets of reviews of filtering software that can be helpful in the fight to preserve or restore godly sexuality.
Rejecting porn takes help both from God and from fellow Christians. But how do you help? How do you respond to a confession? This guidebook helps accountability or encouragement partners and small groups embrace the power of honesty, prioritize gospel responses, and create Christian environments filled with grace and truth.
As a friend or a family member trying to help someone you care about escape pornography use, it may be helpful to learn about the other resources we provide to help the person struggling to Reject Satan’s lies (Myself page). You may also wish to be an ally for a spouse or significant other who has been hurt by the actions of the porn user. We recommend you learn about the resources to help that person Recover from the wreckage of porn use on the Spouse of Significant Other page.