2-3 years old
Toddlers need to know the correct names for body parts, that their bodies are gifts from God, and that caring for and respecting these gifts includes the idea of “privacy.”
What should a child know at this stage?
- Correct Names for their body parts
- The body is a gift from God.
- Care & respect of body = privacy.
A simple, kid-friendly infographic that can be printed or viewed digitally. This graphic explains basic body parts ad introduces the idea of privacy to the child.
Trust & Privacy printable flow chart
This flowchart is designed for children and parents to go over, following the question-and-answer pathways to discuss the basics of privacy.
Teachable Moments” video for parents
A brief video for parents which is designed to help them identity and be ready for opportunities to begin a healthy conversation about the body and privacy.
Pornography objectifies people and creates unrealistic expectations for sex that are completely void of the intimacy God intends. Pornography can be very addictive. Pornography encourages the abuse of women. The harm of pornography on your child extends beyond a guilty conscience and a damaged understanding of God’s design for sex. Pornography harms self-image and leads to lack of confidence and low self-worth.
Conquerors through Christ has produced a Parent Support System to assist and equip parents in teaching their children about God’s gift and design of sexuality. Conquerors through Christ also has Middle School Lessons and a High School Curriculum available.
Probably every age is a fine age to talk to your child about sexuality in age-appropriate ways. Talk to your two-year-old about privacy and differences between boys and girls. As they develop, you can continue teaching them about their body and later about the temptations and threats that exist in the world and can harm our bodies. Sex education is a process, not an event. You are not looking for a time to have one big awkward conversation. You are looking for many opportunities throughout your child’s life to advance the process of teaching them of God’s blessings and intentions for them and their bodies.
If CtC Resources assist you in your efforts to Resist, Reject, or Recover from porn use, please help us continue to create them. Your gift would be a tremendous blessing to our ministry.